The trials and tribulations of a 'would be' country girl trying to balance the desire to live 'the good life' in the country and the demands of an everyday full on home and working life.

Sunday 8 August 2010

Show and tell

A few weeks ago I discovered the consequences of being rushed off my feet with work and trying to balance my rural life; tomato plants that were shouting ‘help us..Water’,salad onions which quite frankly needed resuscitation and a cat called Pandora who was very put out that she had missed a meal, and boy she was not going to let us forget it in a hurry!
We did our first ‘show and tell’ for flax & finch and I could never have imagined just how much work would have to go in to getting us ‘show’ ready! The week before was a manic dash to suppliers to collect goods and signing off designs for the display stand. By 1pm on Saturday afternoon as the local festival opened the stand would not have looked out of place on a Country Living photo set,if I say so myself! The same could not be said for me; I was a sweaty, dusty, tired, I've been dragged through a hedge backwards, mess!
The show was a great success and despite losing my roped in sales assistant, ‘him indoors', on a number of occasions as he strolled off for yet another drink or to listen to a band, I thoroughly enjoyed it. By close of day on the Sunday I was relaxed and calm and although still had the whole hedge backwards look going on, felt we had not only survived our first flax & finch show but it had been a major triumph!
So...despite the expiration of some of our vegetables...,forgetting to give Pandora her dinner, oops! and needing a good scrub down with a brush, would I do it again? Hell yes...but next time I think we will refrain from taking the whole of the garden and house furniture, setting the scene is so important you know!,and will definitely take a sales assistant that has more than a passing interest in soft furnishings!!