The trials and tribulations of a 'would be' country girl trying to balance the desire to live 'the good life' in the country and the demands of an everyday full on home and working life.

Monday 26 July 2010

Hmmm..the first strawberry of the season grown by my very own hand, nothing has tasted sweeter. I’m guessing the birds think so to, given that a number of my treasured succulent fruits have got a bite out of them! Although I have attempted growing my own in the past, it has been more of a passing whim which has resulted in a few tomatoes that even the birds won’t eat and a couple of very suspect shaped cucumbers, you’d never see those in the local supermarket! This year I’m going all out and have everything now planted and raring to go. Don’t be misled though I don’t have an acreage of raised beds and poly tunnels, I have a small patch, almost a corridor actually at the back of our beautifully landscaped garden where I potter and daydream about how this year we will live off the land..well at least have a few salads during the summer anyhow...